We are excited to announce that we now have three ways to share Sunday Ministry with you!
10:00am Worship Service - In Person
We celebrate our faith and praise God with prayers and music, including hymns and praise songs. We hear the scriptures and respond in faith. Children are invited to participate in Sunday School during the school year (starting in worship), the Word for Children of all ages [during worship]. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month.
10:00am Worship Service - In Your Car In the Parking Lot
You are invited to worship at a very safe distance in your vehicle by tuning into an FM station on the radio. Programs are available every Sunday along with the frequency of the station outside of the church doors at both the North and South parking lots - be advised that there is a 200 foot range of our receiver and the back lot will always be closer to it if you are having a problem picking it up.
10:00am Worship Service - Online (after worship)
Stay home and worship with us online on YouTube at your convenience. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN2R96oWdXzxDqwdz8YBlrQ or you may use the link at the top of the page.
For Infants
There is a "family" room off the sanctuary for your convenience, however we love to see children in worship!
For Children
Sunday School is held during the 10:00am worship. Children learn Bible stories and enjoy activities. Children ages 4 – middle school are welcome. (During the school year)
Coffee Hour Fellowship
Everyone is welcome to enjoy coffee or tea, treats and conversation after the worship service. Join us in the Fellowship Hall.
During the school year we welcome all to a brunch and to listen to the Bell Choir (during the service) on the third Sunday of the month.