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Building Our Church Workshop
(Leadership Training
with Patty Dennis)

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Join Us November 3 & 10 from 6-9pm

All Leaders at Oxford UMC

are invited to take this class!

Contact the church office or

Pastor Julius to sign up

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Our Next Adventure...

Without even being aware of it, many of us operate from an inward mindset, a single-minded focus on our own goals and objectives. This book points out the many ways, some quite subtle and deceptive, that this mindset invites tension and conflict. But incredible things happen when people switch to an outward mindset. They intuitively understand what coworkers, colleagues, family, and friends need to be successful and happy. Their organizations thrive, and astonishingly, by focusing on others they become happier and more successful themselves! This new mindset brings about deep and far-reaching changes. To order this book contact the church office or click here to order from Amazon

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All Church Book Read!

What you need to know...


I want to begin by thanking you - especially the leaders of this amazing congregation. During these very challenging times, the work and ministry of the church has continued to go forward because of faithful and determined people who truly love this congregation, the church of Jesus Christ!  I would like to make this brief and pray that what I share will be helpful to you in fortifying your commitment and love for your faith community.


On Sunday, January 31 we formally launched an all church read: “Anatomy Of A Revived Church: Seven Findings of How  Congregations Avoided Death” by Thom S. Rainer. This all-church read is intended to help ignite the spirit within each of us to change/grow for the sake of MAKING OUR VISION REAL, VIBRANT AND RELEVANT for the cause of Christ.

Our Vision:

We envision a church with a vibrant Christian spiritual life where we welcome and value all God’s people…

Where we grow, discover, and share our gifts in the church and in the world.


I am asking you to be intentional in listening to this Sunday Worship service on YouTube. You may access it by typing in the following: or by clicking on the link on our homepage.

You will hear three informative vignettes from three of our church leaders about the book that will inspire and motivate you to catch the spirit to build a stronger and healthier church.


We are still working on how study groups will be formed.  But please begin to read this important book. You will find it easy to read but packed with real stories and examples that have helped many churches to change instead of wither away.


Copies are available on Amazon (there is a link on our Pastor Book Recommendations page) or if funds are an issue we will provide it to you thanks to the generous donation of one of our families. Contact Becky for more details. I hold each of you in prayer as we lean upon God’s understanding, grace and direction.  Remember, it is our unconditional love for God that will show us the way and give us new life.  

 Julius E. Del Pino, pastor

(click on the graphic for the Congregational Needs Assessment Questionnaire

- please submit to the church office a.s.a.p.)

“Anatomy of A Revived Church”

 by Thom S. Rainer


Blessings to all in Christ!


We have been called to action by our Pastor, Rev. Julius Del Pino to be bold and get busy in the revival of OUMC. We have these “Anatomy of a Revived Church” books available for reading and discussion as we begin this journey together on Sunday, March 28th (Palm Sunday). Information will be given about reading and small group discussions which will bring about dialogue and ideas for moving OUMC forward.

We know that some have already begun their journey through this book but many haven’t started yet. Therefore, we kindly implore everyone to be a part of the adventure that God has in store for us. We need your input, prayers and wisdom as we continue down the path which Christ has laid out for us. Reading this book is essential to continuing this journey of growth, health and wholeness.

We are planning on a few small groups, meeting after church (for an hour each) for approximately four sessions starting at the end of April. This will give us time for reflection and discussion on ways to further our mission as we actively live out our vision in the community and beyond.

There is a cost for the books but if this is financially difficult for you, books have been made available by a generous OUMC family to make sure everyone has access.


We need you!         God needs you!      OUMC needs you!


Please continue praying that our congregation becomes

more mission focused in the name of Christ Jesus.


In Christs name,

Sue R. and Rosemary R.

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Sunday Schedule:
10:00 am worship with

refreshments after service



Rev.  Julius E. Del Pino, PhD, Pastor
Becky Sallans, Office Administrator
Alexander Wolf, Pianist


Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Monday – Thursday


21 E. Burdick Street

Oxford, MI 48371



Fax: (248) 628-9411



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